Interested in having fun with friends enjoying a drive through the Goodhue County countryside? Then you better join the Goodhue Jaycees for this years Road Rally!
We will provide you with a list of clues that you must interpret into your directions for the route. There are a few questions along the way too that will help keep you on track. Route varies every year but typically ranges 40-60 miles. Mostly on gravel township roads, some paved county roads but typically less than a mile at a time, and may cross but will not go down a highway. Not always a guaranteed lunch or gas stop so make sure to pack snacks and fill up ahead of time. Team with the closest mileage and correct questions wins, tie goes to the quickest.
Road Rally starts at the Goodhue C-Store and finishes right back in Goodhue at Rosie Park. Vehicle starts will be staggered in 5 minute intervals. The ride costs $5 per person and all the proceeds are paid back to the winning team.