Join in on the hunt for the hidden Medallion! You could be the winner of $500 cash!

The first clue drops Wednesday of Volksfest at 9am. Additional clues will be given daily until it is found. Clues are posted here and the City of Goodhue Facebook page, and Volksfest Facebook page.

When the Medallion is found, you will need to notify Kris Carlson immediately, see below for contact information. Prize can be picked up at Lions meeting June 10, 2024.


  1. Good luck searchers, first clue is 1.41!
  2. You can swallow me, but you could consume me too.
  3. Fri, 9am
  4. Sat, 9am
  5. Sun, 9am


Wednesday, June 5th – Sunday, June 9th

Wed: First Clue

Kris Carlson
